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Reiki FAQs
What is Reiki?  

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that addresses energetic imbalances in your body, reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep patterns, promotes relaxation and removes emotional blockages. It is a natural method of spiritual healing and self-improvement available for anyone needing this type of work. 


Reiki has been effective in helping people recover from almost any illness and works well with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to promote recovery. 

Reiki is not a religion. Overall, it allows you to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others. Reiki practitioners and clients tend to adhere to five principles, which were first enunciated by Mikao Usui (Founder of Usui Reiki).



Who can benefit from it or who needs it?

Anyone needing healing or stress reduction will benefit greatly from this practice.

Of course, Reiki does not take the place of routine medical care. Huh Healing Hub does not diagnose conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.


What can I expect in a Reiki session?

In a standard in-person treatment, Reiki energy flows from the practitioner's hands into the client, while the client is fully clothed and lays on a massage-type table. Treatments can also be given while the client is seated or standing. During the session, the practitioner places her/his hands on or near the client's body, in various positions, held for three to 10 minutes each, including positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach and feet. The beauty of Reiki is that the client will receive healing wherever their body, mind or soul needs it. You may experience physical sensations (tingling, heat/coolness, vibrational buzzing) as positive energy enters and negative energy leaves. The entire treatment lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.


What can I expect in a virtual Reiki session?

Even in what was previously known as a “distance Reiki” session, energy flows from the practitioner's hands into the subject’s body (from head to feet) wherever they are in the world. A client can experience the Reiki healing while laying down or seated. Again, you will receive the energy healing wherever your body, mind or soul needs it. You also may experience physical sensations (tingling, heat/coolness, vibrational buzzing) as positive energy enters and negative energy leaves. The entire treatment lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.


What should I do during the session?

Grab some water and use the bathroom before your session so that you are able to lie down comfortably.  Let the practitioner know any specific needs before you start (if you have trouble breathing and lying flat is uncomfortable, have had surgery recently or have any specific body pain). If you are pregnant or have digestive complaints, please also inform your practitioner. You can have relaxing music of your choice playing or request treatment to be done in silence if you prefer. Keep an open mind.


How will I feel after a Reiki treatment?

People usually feel relaxed and uplifted by a Reiki treatment. Sometimes, toxins built up in the body may be released into the bloodstream as a result of the energy healing. This can lead to a feeling of tiredness, which just means your body is cleansing. Drink more water, eat lighter meals, and get some rest.

Reflexology & CranioSacral Treatment FAQs

Reflexology is a method of stimulating reflex areas in the feet and/or hands that correspond to each and every gland, organ and part of the body. Correct stimulation of reflex areas relieves stress and tension, deeply relaxing the whole body from head to toe. This therapeutic relaxation serves to normalize the body’s functioning, facilitating the healing process which enhances your total health.



The Reflexology session, itself, takes one hour. The client is fully clothed and sits in a reclining chair. The Reflexologist warms up the area of the foot or hand with gentle stretches followed by a systematic, gentle application of pressure using thumb and finger techniques, ending with a foot massage. The result is an overall sense of well-being and deep relaxation.



No.  Reflexology identifies where stress and tension is located in the body. This can be a valuable assistance to the diagnosis process, but it is not sufficient by itself.  If a reflexology recipient has identified other symptoms that coincide with the stress and tension identified by the reflexology session, then they should consult a licensed health care provider such as a naturopathic doctor or a medical doctor for a diagnosis. Reflexologists are not licensed health care providers and are legally not allowed to diagnose.



Reflexology is used primarily to relieve stress and tension and produce deep therapeutic relaxation.  Medical doctors agree that over three fourths of our health problems can be linked to nervous and physical tension. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology improves blood and lymph circulation, strengthens the functioning of the immune system, improves assimilation of nutrition and elimination of toxins, and calms the nervous system. In these ways, reflexology facilitates the body’s natural healing processes and thereby enhances the body’s health and vitality.



YES!  Reflexology relieves stress and tension and deeply relaxes people independent of their beliefs about it. Many very skeptical people have become strong advocates for reflexology after experiencing it. It is also possible that your belief in its effectiveness will enhance its benefits. Try it with an open mind and find out for yourself how you respond. Each person has a unique response.



NOT at all! Reflexology practiced with common sense is completely safe. It simply relaxes the body, which allows it to function more effectively. Results can really be amazing!

If a licensed health care provider such as a medical or naturopathic doctor is managing your condition, it is important that you discuss the consequences of any therapy (including reflexology) with this person before you commence treatment. This is particularly appropriate if your condition involves an organ transplant, an implanted devise (pacemaker) or is acute.


Healing is as individual as the person seeking it. I am always happy to talk with anyone who is curious about reflexology or anything to do with physical, emotional and/ or spiritual health.

Life Coaching FAQs

Why work with a Life Coach?

If you’re feeling stuck, lost or just not your usual self, you’re not alone. We all have times in our lives when we feel unfulfilled. You know something needs to change - perhaps you know what that is, maybe you’re not so sure. Either way, coaching can help clear a path and guide you to your true potential. Your coach will provide resources, accountability, and creative solutions to assist you in reaching your goals. 


If you ever say this phrase, "I can't do (fill in the blank)", then even a session or two would bring meaningful change to your life.


What can a coach help me with?

However you approach life, your coach will be able to tailor your sessions to fit. Subjects coaches can provide effective guidance include: 

  • Relationships - Do you wish you had the confidence to approach someone you like romantically? Do you struggle with commitment? Are you struggling to cope with a divorce? A coach could help you to understand your love-life and work towards improving it.

  • Business life - Starting and running a business is tough work. Sometimes we get so absorbed in hard work we neglect ourselves. Coaches can help build confidence, develop leadership skills, enhance decision-making abilities and assess your work/life balance.

  • Personal life - Do you feel like you're not making the most of life? There's so much to see, do and learn in this world, but often a lack of confidence, time and willpower can cause us to stay inside our comfort zones, doing nothing. Life coaches use specialist skills to motivate their clients to do the things they want to do, see and achieve, so they can finally fight the urge to procrastinate.

  • Performance - Improvement is at the heart of life coaching. Whatever your skill, coaching could help improve it. Whether you're an athlete, an artist, a writer, a performer, or a musician - adopting specialist techniques will help you to push your limitations and exceed expectations.


Neuro Linguistic Practitioner (NLP) FAQs

What is NLP?

In simple terms, Neuro Linguistic programming (NLP) is a series of models, techniques and strategies to help us better understand how the language we use influences the way we think and the results we get! NLP is the study of excellence. It is the study of both the conscious and unconscious processes that combine to enable people to do what they do. It is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others. It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients. NLP is a set of tools and techniques, and it is so much more than that. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.


How can I benefit from using NLP? 

NLP can have a positive effect on every aspect of your life. It can be used to move forward with some specific challenge or issue, or can be adopted more generically to make a difference to all areas of your life. ANLP has many case studies and success stories detailing how NLP has helped clients, organizations and educational establishments with specific challenges over the years. 


How does NLP work?

Have you ever done something so elegantly and effectively that it took your breath away? Have you had times where you were delighted at what you did and wondered how you did it?

NLP shows you how to understand and model your own successes, so that you can reproduce them. It is a way of discovering and unfolding your personal genius, a way of bringing out the best in yourself and others. NLP is the study of excellence. It is the study of both the conscious and unconscious processes that combine to enable people to do what they do. The key to success is often unknown at a conscious level. Using NLP, you can elicit these unknown pieces. 


You may want to improve your relationships, or eliminate an anxiety, or become more competitive in the marketplace. The key pieces are not found in the muscles, but in your inner thoughts, like words or pictures, or feelings or even beliefs. Once you know these unknown pieces you can change them. NLP exercises are like thought experiments, mental exercises or a game. 


Where is NLP useful?
NLP is valuable wherever human communication skills can enhance results — in business consultation, management, negotiation, education, counseling, therapy, relationships, parenting, nursing, public speaking, sports performance and many other areas.
What kind of results can I get with NLP?
NLP can allow: a salesperson to significantly increase their business, a therapist to change the impact of the past on a client, a teacher to change a poor speller into a good speller, a business p
rofessional to gain rapport nonverbally and to run meetings efficiently, an athlete to improve concentration, and more.
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